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Bildungsgutschein: Your Ticket To Ride

  • Daniel Arturo
  • November 26, 2024
  • 3 min

Nothing is more real than an expat’s fear of the German Berhörde. But here’s a secret not many people know about: All they want is for you to come prepared. This is why we put together a collection of important insights to accelerate your application process.

What’s a Bildungsgutschein?

Alright, let’s start with the basics. Bildungsgutschein means education voucher and it’s handed out by the German Government to fully fund adults who want to change or secure their career path. The funding covers course fees, learning materials and sometimes even travel costs. Educational programs that will ensure job security in future are considered.

How to Get a Bildungsgutschein (fast)

In order to receive an education voucher, you must meet certain requirements. These mainly include bureaucratic criteria:

  1. Arbeitslosigkeit or drohende Arbeitslosigkeit: You must be registered as unemployed or in danger of losing your job, for example because you are missing the right education.  
  2. Successful Arbeitsamt Consultation: Before you receive a Bildungsgutschein, you need to speak to a counselor at the Arbeitsamt. Here, you will talk about your current job perspectives and prospects for the future. 
  3. Proof that you need this: The Arbeitsamt must declare that the program you chose is absolutely necessary for your career.

Should You Prepare for the Arbeitsamt Consultation?

The Bundesagentur für Arbeit decides whether you are suitable for the program of your choice. Therefore, we advise you to examine our programs more closely to show them you know what you are talking about and why.

What Makes Masterschool Unique?

In short: Job security, personal mentoring, real-life experience and a highly qualified network.

Together we’ll get that job

More and more companies are looking for qualified tech experts. This is why we don’t only train your hard skills, but also guide you through interviews and application processes. Our specialized mentors have unique market insights and know exactly what tech employers are looking for.

Real-life experience: Find out what suits you

You can specialize in a certain field of expertise and gain practical experience to be perfectly suited for your dream employer.

Missing a masterplan? If you’re mainly looking to change your career to tech, that’s also great! Our mentors will pinpoint your strengths and help you find a job that suits you. Alternatively, you can take a look at this tech orientation course.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

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