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From Career Crossroads to Data Discovery

Crafting a tech-focused career: How this business manager decoded the language of data

  • Sharon Bresler
  • January 22, 2024
  • 3 min

As a seasoned professional manager, Alham Hotaki found himself facing an unexpected crossroads, a daunting challenge brought on by the shifting tides of the post-COVID-19 job market in the UK. Instead of succumbing to uncertainty, Alham embraced the opportunity to re-adapt and redefine his path, and in doing so, he discovered a transformative journey that would change the course of his career.

Opportunity often disguises itself in unexpected forms, and for Alham, it manifested as a simple advertisement for Masterschool’s Data Program. Masterschool was not just an institution; it was a canvas painted with vibrant colors of education, where students like Alham were not passive attendees but distinctive individuals on a quest for knowledge and growth.

“At Masterschool, we don’t just receive answers; we discover them,” Alham would often say, encapsulating the essence of the institution’s unique approach to education. Here, understanding took precedence over memorization, and students evolved from passive learners into active thinkers. There were no cheat sheets for interview questions, but rather, there was proper guidance, thorough training, and genuine mentorship that prepared students for real-world challenges. “Masterschool’s educational model was revolutionary, tailored to unleash the unique potential within each student”, Alham says.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Like any transformative journey, Alham faced moments of doubt, haunted by memories of past achievements. In those moments, he drew inspiration from Einstein’s wisdom: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” These words became his anchor, propelling him forward, step by step, through the uncharted waters of a new career path.

Before completing his course, Alham’s perseverance paid off. His skills caught the attention of a top-tier UK organization that recognized not just a data analyst, but a visionary. He was offered a position as a senior data visualization specialist – a role perfectly aligned with what Masterschool had prepared him for.

Alham’s journey to tech revealed two distinct paths: one fueled by the dream of landing a job that provides a comfortable livelihood, and a second focused on building a career that integrates his talents and passions. While some sought mere employment, many, like Alham, aimed for transformative knowledge and a career change into tech. Masterschool became the bridge for this transformation. Alham encouraged others not to merely fight for a spot but to create it, using Masterschool’s advanced tools to not only secure a position but to pioneer new paths, inspiring others along the way. A career shift to tech, he emphasized, is truly fruitful when driven by passion, not just job hunting. Masterschool, he declared, isn’t about job hunting; it’s a groundbreaking educational journey that transforms careers.

A career shift to tech is truly fruitful when driven by passion, not just job hunting

Reflecting on his journey, Alham remarked, “Masterschool didn’t just change my career; it transformed my entire outlook on learning and growth.” His story embodies the wisdom of teaching a person to fish, emphasizing that it’s always possible to redefine one’s journey and explore new horizons of potential.

Want to launch your own career in tech? Submit your application to Masterschool today.

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